Shuffle Studio Glass

Shuffle Studio Glass

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Apparently I have a Blog

I have succumbed to the pressure of the interweb and created a blog. I suppose I should tell my potential readers a bit about myself and perhaps outline my intent with this blog. I'm new to this, but I will do my best to remember that I created a blog and will endeavor to update it on as regular a basis as possible.

I am a glass addict/ artist. Fire excites me, and I love making things that didn't exist mere moments ago. I have included some pics of my work for your viewing pleasure.  I have strong opinions and a loud mouth, and I find myself ever more dismayed by the lack of interest in the world around us that people engage (or fail to engage) in.

I will probably use this blog to promote my glass and the glass art of others as the name implies, but be advised I may also rant incoherently about the contents of a news story or someone who has used their outrage at some innocuous comment to boost their own name recognition or earn 15 minutes of CNN fame.

That being said I will also promote entertaining bits of detritus from my world and perhaps even some zombie stories. Much like my life and as Forrest's momma said this blog is like a box of chocolates. You gotta squeeze them all to see if you like the filling. I will try not to bore myself, as I have no idea what interests you; I will make no promises regarding your entertainment.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cara,
    Your glass pieces are very pretty!
    I'm a new follower here.
